Postgraduate Programs
Postgraduate Programs
Students at College of Professional Management benefit from the flexibility and portability of online learning. We are dedicated to supplying students with an array of learning options that fit their individual needs.
Currently the following programs are available plus our usual student toiled programs in the any field just choose a faculty to view the programs that are offered in each area.
o CLAD/TESL/TESL with TP Certificate
o Methods and Applications of Teaching Standardized Testing Certificate
o Master of Arts in Cross Cultural Education
o Master of Arts in Educational Leadership, Elementary School Administration
o Master of Arts in Educational Leadership, Secondary School Administration
o Master of Arts in Music Education, MAME
o Master of Education in Art Education
o Master of Education in Classroom Curriculum and Instruction
o Master of Education in Educational Research Methodology and Assessment
o Master of Education in Elementary Classroom Curriculum and Instruction
o Master of Education in English & Reading Classroom Curriculum and Instruction
o Master of Education in Health & Physical Education
o Master of Education in Mathematics Classroom Curriculum and Instruction
o Master of Education in Music Education
o Master of Education in Science Classroom Curriculum and Instruction
o Master of Education in Social Studies Classroom Curriculum and Instruction
o Master of Education in Special Education
o Master of Science in Distance Education Technology & Curriculum Design
o Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Education,